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State of Maine Legislature

Actions for SP 592

Bill Info
SP 592
"Joint Study Order, To Establish the Task Force on Health Care Coverage for All of Maine"
Sponsored by Senator Rodney Whittemore

6/13/2017 Senate READ
On motion by Senator WHITTEMORE of Somerset Tabled until Later in Today's Session, pending PASSAGE
Unfinished Business
6/14/2017 Senate Unfinished Business
6/15/2017 Senate Unfinished Business
6/16/2017 Senate Unfinished Business
6/19/2017 Senate Unfinished Business
6/20/2017 Senate Unfinished Business
6/21/2017 Senate Taken from the table by the President
Roll Call Ordered
On motion by Senator CUSHING of Penobscot Tabled until Later in Today's Session, pending PASSAGE
Unfinished Business
6/22/2017 Senate Taken from the table by the President
Subsequently PASSED
Roll Call Ordered Roll Call Number 374 Yeas 20 - Nays 15 - Excused 0 - Absent 0
Ordered sent down forthwith for concurrence
6/23/2017 House The Joint Order was READ.
On motion of Representative HERBIG of Belfast, the Joint Order was placed on the Special Study Table pursuant to Joint Rule 353 pending PASSAGE.
6/27/2017 House Unfinished Business
7/20/2017 House READ.
On motion of Representative HERBIG of Belfast, the Joint Order was REMOVED from the Special Study Table.
On further motion of same Representative House Amendment "A" (H-564) was READ and ADOPTED.
The Joint Order was PASSED as Amended by House Amendment "A" (H-564).
In NON-CONCURRENCE and sent for concurrence.
7/20/2017 Senate On motion by Senator MASON of Androscoggin The Senate RECEDED and CONCURRED With PASSED as Amended by House Amendment "A" (H-564) in concurrence

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