Searching Hints
You can supply values for any combination of the search fields. If you supply more than one value, then the searching will only match items that satisfy all of the criteria. For example, if you select "SP" for the Paper Type and "Education" for the Subject, you will get all bills with a paper type of "SP" and have the word "Education" in one of the subject fields.

To match all bills, leave all of the fields blank and click Search.

Some search fields are paired, that is, if you enter one of the fields, you must also enter the paired field. An example is searching by LD number. You must enter both the 'from' and 'to' LD numbers to specify the range you want to match.

Your search criteria are remembered for the entire session. If you return to this page, the criteria that you specified will be shown again. To clear the form, click on the Clear button.

Paper type

Select one of the available paper types that you want to match

Paper number from/to

Enter a range of paper numbers that you want to match

LD number from/to

Enter a range of legislative document (LD) numbers that you want to match

Legislative Session

Select the legislative session to be searched. This field defaults to the current legislative session.

LR type

Select one of the available legislative request (LR) types that you want to match

LR number from/to

Enter a range of LR numbers that you want to match

Is emergency

Check this box if you only want to match emergency bills

Is Governor's bill

Check this box if you only want to match bills submitted by the Governor

Title containing

Enter a word or phrase in a title that you want to match. The search will match any title that contains the word or sequence of words that you enter. For example, if the bill you want to match has the title "An Act to Amend the Budget", if you enter "Amend the Budget", the search will match the bill, however, if you enter "Amend Budget", the search will not match the bill.


Enter a word or phrase in a subject area that you want to match. If you check Exact Matches Only, then the matches will only include those bills that have an exact match to the subject you entered.

Sponsored by

Select a member who sponsored the bills you want to match. If you check the Prime Sponsor Only button, then the matches will only include bills for which that member was the prime sponsor.


Select the introducer of the bills you want to match. An introducer may be a member of the House or Senate or may be an external agency or commission.

Referred to

Select the reference committee that you want to match

Amendment filing number

Select the filing chamber (H or S) and a range of filing numbers. The search will match bills with amendments whose filing numbers fall in this range.

Amendments adopted by House/Senate

Check one or both boxes to match bills that have amendments that have been adopted by the House and/or Senate.

Has at least one amendment

Check this box if you want to match bills that have at least one amendment.

Roll-call #

Enter a roll-call number to match the bill that has this roll-call number for the specified chamber.

Roll-calls from/to

Enter a date range to match the bills that have roll-calls for the specified chamber within this date range.


Choose either Engrossed or Enacted to get a list of bills that were engrossed or enacted by the specified chamber within this date range. For other floor actions within the date range, choose Other Action.

Governor Action

Enter the governor action you want to match


Enter the law chapter you want to match

Final Law Type

Select the final law type that you want to match