132nd Maine Legislature

Bill Directory, LD 1 to 200

1.LD 1, SP 29, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Increase Storm Preparedness for Maine's Communities, Homes and Infrastructure
2.LD 2, SP 11, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Allow Military Vehicles Purchased for Civilian Use to Be Registered and Operated on Maine Roads
3.LD 3, SP 12, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Adopt Eastern Daylight Time Year-round Contingent on Federal Approval
4.LD 4, SP 13, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Adopt Eastern Standard Time Year-round
5.LD 5, SP 14, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Clarify the Law Regarding Prior Authorization for Air Ambulances
6.LD 6, SP 18, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Allow Persons to Label Their Wild Animal Traps with Their Online Identification Number Issued by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
7.LD 7, SP 19, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Increase the Homestead Property Tax Exemption for Residents 65 Years of Age or Older
8.LD 8, SP 20, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding the Term of Appointment of Judicial Officers
9.LD 9, SP 22, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding Campaign Finance Disclosure
10.LD 10, SP 23, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Add Political Affiliation as a Protected Class to the Maine Human Rights Act
11.LD 11, SP 24, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding Temperature Standards for School Buildings
12.LD 12, SP 25, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Freedom of Access Act to Apply to Legislative Caucuses
13.LD 13, SP 26, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Provide Funds Necessary for the Production and Delivery of Election Materials by the Secretary of State and to Reconvene the Working Group to Study Polling Places at Schools
14.LD 14, SP 27, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Provide Indigenous Peoples Free Access to State Parks
15.LD 15, SP 62, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Eliminate the Excise Tax on Camper Trailers
16.LD 16, SP 63, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Establish Separate Prosecutorial Districts in Downeast Maine
17.LD 17, SP 28, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Designate the Warden of the Maine State Prison as Chief Administrative Officer of the Bolduc Correctional Facility
18.LD 18, SP 30, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Allow the Department of Corrections to Increase Health Care Fees and Use the Proceeds from Those Fees to Offset the Costs of Client Medical Care Support Workers
19.LD 19, SP 32, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Change the Definition of "Oversized ATV" in the Laws Governing the Registration of All-terrain Vehicles
20.LD 20, SP 33, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding the First Judicial District and the District Court Locations in the Judicial Divisions of Androscoggin and Western Aroostook
21.LD 21, SP 34, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Update the Provision of Law Concerning Student Codes of Conduct in Order to Reflect Best Practices Regarding Behavioral Threat Assessment and Response
22.LD 22, SP 35, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Update the Laws Governing Education in the Unorganized Territory
23.LD 23, SP 37, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Extend the Period of Time a Dentist May Operate the Practice of a Deceased or Incapacitated Dentist
24.LD 24, SP 39, 132nd LegislatureResolve, Authorizing the Director of the Bureau of Parks and Lands to Convey Public Land Parcels in Lincoln Plantation and Sandy River Plantation
25.LD 25, SP 40, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue to Fund Wastewater Treatment Facility Planning and Construction of Infrastructure Projects
26.LD 26, SP 41, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Add an Inflation Adjustment to the Maximum Amount of Funding Disbursed from the Maine Ground and Surface Waters Clean-up and Response Fund for Certain Personal Services of the Department of Environmental Protection
27.LD 27, SP 42, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend and Simplify Certain Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Licensing and Permitting Laws
28.LD 28, SP 45, 132nd LegislatureResolve, to Rename the Twin Rivers Fire Academy in Fairfield the Duane Bickford Fire Academy
29.LD 29, SP 46, 132nd LegislatureResolve, to Require the Department of Transportation to Implement the Recommendations of the Lower Road Rail Use Advisory Council
30.LD 30, SP 47, 132nd LegislatureResolve, Directing the Department of Transportation to Implement the Recommendations of the Portland to Auburn Rail Use Advisory Council Regarding the Rail Line from Portland to Yarmouth
31.LD 31, SP 48, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding School Enrollment for Military-connected Students
32.LD 32, SP 49, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Repeal the Laws Regarding Net Energy Billing
33.LD 33, SP 51, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Laws Governing Fantasy Contests
34.LD 34, SP 53, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Increase the Minimum Salary for Teachers
35.LD 35, SP 56, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Strengthen Local Emergency Medical Services by Increasing the MaineCare Reimbursement Rate for Ambulance Services
36.LD 36, SP 58, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Clarify Processes of the Board of Environmental Protection
37.LD 37, SP 59, 132nd LegislatureResolve, to Rename a Bridge in Old Orchard Beach the Captain Christopher S. Cash Memorial Bridge
38.LD 38, SP 61, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Requiring Photographic Identification for Voting
39.LD 39, HP 3, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require Forest Landowners to Report the Registration or Sale of Their Forest Carbon Credits
40.LD 40, HP 4, 132nd Legislature An Act to Amend the Laws Governing the Commercial Large Game Shooting Area License Transfer Process
41.LD 41, HP 5, 132nd LegislatureResolve, Authorizing the State Tax Assessor to Convey the Interest of the State in Certain Real Estate in the Unorganized Territory
42.LD 42, HP 6, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding the Bind-over and Detention of Juveniles
43.LD 43, HP 7, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Further Protect Victims from Contact Prohibited by Probation Conditions
44.LD 44, HP 8, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Laws Pertaining to Elver Fishing
45.LD 45, HP 9, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Allowing the Department of Corrections to Offset Some of the Costs of Technology Provided to Residents of Correctional Facilities
46.LD 46, HP 10, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Establish a Grant Program to Increase Postsecondary Educational Opportunities for Students with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder
47.LD 47, HP 11, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Provide an Exception to a Fishing Prohibition near the Crooked Brook Dam
48.LD 48, HP 12, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Update References to the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986 Contained in the Maine Revised Statutes
49.LD 49, HP 13, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Ensure Quality in Personal Care Agencies
50.LD 50, HP 14, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Provide the Right of First Refusal to Towns in Which the University of Maine System and Similar Quasi-independent State Entities Are Selling Property
51.LD 51, HP 15, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Increase Oversight of Fatalities of and Serious Injuries to Adults Subject to Public Guardianship
52.LD 52, HP 16, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require the Department of Health and Human Services to Apply for Federal Benefits on Behalf of Children in the Department's Custody Who May Be Eligible for Those Benefits
53.LD 53, HP 17, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Establish the November General Election Day as a State Holiday
54.LD 54, HP 18, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require Employers to Disclose Pay Ranges and Maintain Records of Employees' Pay Histories
55.LD 55, HP 19, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Law Governing the Accrual of Earned Paid Leave
56.LD 56, HP 20, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Remove the 5 Cent Fee for Bags in Retail Stores
57.LD 57, HP 21, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Enable Maine National Guard Commanders to More Efficiently Effect Disciplinary Measures Through the Maine Code of Military Justice
58.LD 58, HP 22, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Establish Certain Positions Within the Maine Bureau of Veterans' Services
59.LD 59, HP 23, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Ban the Drug Tianeptine
60.LD 60, HP 24, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Allow Employees to Request Flexible Work Schedules
61.LD 61, HP 25, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Regulate Employer Surveillance to Protect Workers
62.LD 62, HP 26, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Support Municipal and County Actions on Dam Ownership
63.LD 63, HP 27, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Support Implementation of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Projects
64.LD 64, HP 28, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Eliminate the Cultchless American Oyster Growers License
65.LD 65, HP 29, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Update the Definition of "Coastal Wetlands" Under the Natural Resources Protection Act
66.LD 66, HP 30, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Expand Access to the Maine Wage Assurance Fund
67.LD 67, HP 31, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Establish Minimum Standards for Certain Urgent Care Facilities
68.LD 68, HP 32, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the State Tax Laws
69.LD 69, HP 33, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Repeal the Law Restricting the Use of Certain Plastic, Paper and Single-use Bags
70.LD 70, HP 34, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Fund Free Health Clinics
71.LD 71, HP 35, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding Special Education Funding
72.LD 72, HP 36, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Designate the Spring Peeper as the Official State Amphibian
73.LD 73, HP 37, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Designate the Wood Turtle as the Official State Reptile
74.LD 74, HP 38, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Update the System of Learning Results Review Timeline
75.LD 75, HP 39, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Update Funding for the Board of Environmental Protection
76.LD 76, HP 40, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Allow Use of the Fish Hatchery Maintenance Fund to Compensate Hatchery Staff When Certain Operational Needs Require Overtime
77.LD 77, HP 41, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Stabilize and Sustainably Fund the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Fisheries and Hatcheries Division by Increasing the Inland Fishing License Fees and Establishing the Inland Fisheries Conservation and Enhancement Fund
78.LD 78, HP 42, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require Elementary School Students to Learn Cursive Writing
79.LD 79, HP 43, 132nd LegislatureResolve, to Rename the Bridge on Main Street Between Biddeford and Saco the General Wallace H. Nutting Memorial Bridge
80.LD 80, HP 44, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Designate the Seppala Siberian Sleddog as the Maine State Dog
81.LD 81, HP 45, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Foster Innovation in Maine Schools by Updating the Requirements of School Innovation Waivers
82.LD 82, HP 46, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Laws by Extending Indefinitely the Presumption Applying to Law Enforcement Officers, Corrections Officers, E-9-1-1 Dispatchers, Firefighters and Emergency Medical Services Persons Diagnosed with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
83.LD 83, HP 47, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Concerning the Filing of Marriage Licenses and the Recording of Intentions as Part of the Electronic Vital Records System
84.LD 84, HP 48, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Improve the Coordination of Health Care for Minors in State Care
85.LD 85, HP 49, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Revitalize the Maine Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Advisory Council
86.LD 86, HP 50, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Update the Laws Regarding Education
87.LD 87, HP 51, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding the State Workforce Board
88.LD 88, HP 52, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding Penalties for Violating the Laws Governing Agriculture and Animals and the Maine Weights and Measures Law
89.LD 89, HP 53, 132nd LegislatureResolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Chapter 201: Employer Reporting and Payments, a Major Substantive Rule of the Maine Public Employees Retirement System
90.LD 90, HP 54, 132nd LegislatureResolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Chapter 6: Delegation of Nursing Activities and Tasks to Unlicensed Assistive Personnel by Registered Professional Nurses, a Major Substantive Rule of the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation, State Board of Nursing
91.LD 91, HP 56, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Authorize Employees of the Maine Association of Retirees to Be Eligible for Participation in the State Employee Health Insurance Program
92.LD 92, HP 57, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding the Management of the Waste Components of a Solar Energy Development upon Decommissioning
93.LD 93, HP 58, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Reduce Cost and Increase Access to Disease Prevention by Expanding the Universal Childhood Immunization Program to Include Adults
94.LD 94, HP 59, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Eliminate Miscarriage Reporting Requirements
95.LD 95, HP 60, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend and Simplify Certain Wildlife Laws
96.LD 96, HP 61, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Motor Vehicles and Traffic Law Governing Mandatory Driver's License Suspension for Refusing Testing for Drugs or a Combination of Drugs and Alcohol
97.LD 97, HP 62, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Facilitate the Improvement of Credit Scores of Residents of Department of Corrections Facilities
98.LD 98, HP 63, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Include School Counselors in the Educators for Maine Program
99.LD 99, HP 64, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Clarify Information Sharing Between the Department of Health and Human Services and Schools with Respect to Investigations of Child Abuse or Neglect
100.LD 100, HP 65, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Increase the Expenditure Limit for the Informal Bidding Process for the Selection of Professional, Architect and Engineer Services
101.LD 101, HP 66, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding Public Records and Fees for Requesting Public Records from the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
102.LD 102, HP 67, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Notify the Public of Juveniles Who Are Wanted Persons
103.LD 103, HP 68, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Reorganize and Simplify Certain Exceptions in the Use Regulation Law
104.LD 104, HP 69, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Protect the Health of Medical Cannabis Patients and Streamline the Mandatory Testing of Cannabis
105.LD 105, HP 70, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission Regarding Foreign-trained Physicians Living in Maine to Establish a Sponsorship Program for Internationally Trained Physicians
106.LD 106, HP 71, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding the Taxation of Paid Family and Medical Leave Benefits
107.LD 107, HP 72, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Biomarker Testing
108.LD 108, HP 73, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Authorize the Release of Military Records to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner for the Purposes of Suicide Reporting and Prevention
109.LD 109, HP 74, 132nd LegislatureResolve, Directing the Maine Arts Commission to Study Federal and National Efforts to Protect Artists from Copyright Infringement by Artificial Intelligence Companies and Users and to Monitor Educational Use
110.LD 110, HP 75, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require Reporting on the Expenditure of Opioid Settlement Funds by Certain Municipalities and County Governments
111.LD 111, HP 76, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Increase the State's Share of Retired Teacher Health Insurance
112.LD 112, HP 77, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Promote Opportunities by Establishing a Student Wage
113.LD 113, HP 78, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require Food Labels to Disclose Use of Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Vaccine Material in Food Production
114.LD 114, HP 79, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Charter of the Lewiston-Auburn Water Pollution Control Authority
115.LD 115, SP 15, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Assess Impact Fees on Megayachts
116.LD 116, SP 17, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Prohibit the Use of Piercing Guns
117.LD 117, SP 16, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Provide Funding for Sexual Assault Services
118.LD 118, SP 21, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Allow Candidates for Sheriff and District Attorney to Participate in the Maine Clean Election Act
119.LD 119, SP 31, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Include the Declaration of an Emergency by the President of the United States as a Basis to Allow the Governor to Provide Disaster Relief to Local Governments
120.LD 120, SP 36, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Expand the Membership of the Homeland Security Advisory Council
121.LD 121, SP 38, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Include Brush and Yard Debris in the Definition of "Litter"
122.LD 122, SP 43, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Update Certain Laws Regarding Extended Care and Adoption
123.LD 123, SP 44, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding Licensure of Emergency Medical Services Persons
124.LD 124, SP 50, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Protect the Right to Food
125.LD 125, SP 52, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Increase the Total Amount of Credits Authorized Under the Maine Seed Capital Tax Credit Program
126.LD 126, SP 54, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Expand the Use of the Veterans' Homelessness Prevention Partnership Fund
127.LD 127, SP 55, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Strengthen Legislative Oversight of Government Agencies and Programs by Reaffirming the Legislature's Access to Confidential Records
128.LD 128, SP 57, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Support Permitting of Certain Multifamily Housing Developments Under the Site Location of Development Laws
129.LD 129, SP 60, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Law Governing Dedimus Justices
130.LD 130, SP 66, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Establish the PFAS Response Program and to Modify the Fund To Address PFAS Contamination
131.LD 131, SP 67, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Eliminate the Provision of the Maine Workers' Compensation Act of 1992 That Allows an Employer Member of a Group Self-insurer to Insure Its Employees Through a Fronting Arrangement
132.LD 132, SP 68, 132nd LegislatureResolve, to Establish the Commission to Study the Constitution of Maine
133.LD 133, SP 69, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Nuisance Dogs
134.LD 134, SP 70, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require Certain Individuals Who Instruct Children Under 18 Years of Age in Dance or Creative Movement to Undergo a Criminal Background Check
135.LD 135, SP 71, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Provide Compensation to Members of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women to Enhance Equitable Commission Participation from Across the State
136.LD 136, SP 72, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Transfer the Responsibility for Tax Expenditure Review from the Government Oversight Committee to the Joint Standing Committee on Taxation
137.LD 137, SP 73, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Expand the 1998 Special Retirement Plan to Include Employees Who Work for the Office of Chief Medical Examiner
138.LD 138, SP 74, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Exempt Airports from Certain State Endangered and Threatened Species Habitat Protections
139.LD 139, SP 75, 132nd LegislatureResolve, Directing the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife to Establish a Pilot Program for the Electronic Tagging of Deer
140.LD 140, SP 76, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Incrementally Increase the Homestead Property Tax Exemption
141.LD 141, SP 77, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Provide Limited Immunity to Maine Human Rights Commission Mediators
142.LD 142, SP 78, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Prohibit Financial Institutions from Charging Multiple Fees for Attempted Withdrawals Involving Insufficient Funds
143.LD 143, SP 79, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Improve Women's Health and Economic Security by Funding Family Planning Services
144.LD 144, SP 80, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Create a Limited Retail Seafood Harvester Certificate
145.LD 145, SP 81, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Pertaining to Sales and Use Tax Exemptions for Durable Medical Equipment, Breast Pumps and Mobility-enhancing Equipment
146.LD 146, SP 82, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Increase the Maximum Amount of the Historic Property Rehabilitation Tax Credit That May be Taken in a Year
147.LD 147, HP 80, 132nd LegislatureRESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide for the Popular Election of the Secretary of State
148.LD 148, HP 81, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Provide for the Statewide Popular Election of the State Auditor
149.LD 149, HP 82, 132nd LegislatureRESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide for the Popular Election of the Attorney General
150.LD 150, HP 83, 132nd LegislatureRESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide for the Popular Election of the Treasurer of State
151.LD 151, HP 84, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Allow Businesses to Impose a Surcharge on Credit Card and Debit Card Transactions
152.LD 152, HP 85, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Freedom of Access Act to Require a Specific Time Frame for Agencies to Comply with Requests for Public Records
153.LD 153, HP 86, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Prohibit the Unauthorized Mooring of Watercraft
154.LD 154, HP 87, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Transportation Laws
155.LD 155, HP 88, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Make Menstrual Products Available in Certain Schools
156.LD 156, HP 89, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Improve Notifications Related to Substance-exposed Infants
157.LD 157, HP 90, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend Certain Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Laws
158.LD 158, HP 91, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Direct the Secretary of State to Establish a Date Each Year for Voting by Absentee Ballot
159.LD 159, HP 92, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require Vehicle Registrations to Include the Next of Kin of the Vehicle Owner
160.LD 160, HP 93, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Eliminate REAL ID Requirements in Maine
161.LD 161, HP 94, 132nd LegislatureResolve, Directing the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry to Convene a Stakeholder Group Tasked with a Comprehensive Overhaul and Modernization of the State Subdivision Laws
162.LD 162, HP 95, 132nd LegislatureResolve, to Rename a Bridge in the Town of Carmel the Kevin M. Howell Memorial Bridge
163.LD 163, HP 96, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Federally Approved Nonprescription Oral Hormonal Contraceptives and Nonprescription Emergency Contraceptives
164.LD 164, HP 97, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Exempt Authorized Emergency Vehicles from Tolls When Operating in an Official Capacity
165.LD 165, HP 98, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Allow School Boards to Expel or Suspend Students Regardless of Grade Level
166.LD 166, HP 99, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Prohibit the Sale of Tobacco Products in Pharmacies and Retail Establishments Containing Pharmacies
167.LD 167, HP 100, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Provide 2 Hearing Aids to MaineCare Members with Diagnosed Hearing Loss
168.LD 168, HP 101, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Improve Safety in Public Schools by Requiring Silent Electronic Notification Systems in Classrooms
169.LD 169, HP 102, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Estate Recovery and Planning for Long-term Care
170.LD 170, HP 103, 132nd LegislatureResolve, Establishing a Pilot Program to Reduce Personal Electronic Device Distractions During the School Day
171.LD 171, HP 104, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Enhance Protections Regarding Invasive Aquatic Plant Infestations in Inland Waters of the State
172.LD 172, HP 105, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require the Maine State Police to Create a Statewide List of Missing Persons
173.LD 173, HP 106, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Exempt Certain Watercraft from Registration Requirements
174.LD 174, HP 107, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Restore Religious Exemptions to Immunization Requirements
175.LD 175, HP 108, 132nd LegislatureRESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Ensure That Only Citizens of the United States May Participate in Elections
176.LD 176, HP 109, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Establish a Regional Ambulance Service in Southern Penobscot County
177.LD 177, HP 110, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Create Municipal Cannabis Revenue Sharing
178.LD 178, HP 111, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding Coverage for Step Therapy for Advanced Metastatic Cancer
179.LD 179, HP 112, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Amend the Maine Bail Code to Eliminate the Class E Crime of Violation of Condition of Release
180.LD 180, HP 113, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding the Interactions of Pharmacy Benefits Managers and So-called 340B Entities and Reimbursements by Pharmacy Benefits Managers to Pharmacies
181.LD 181, HP 114, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Modify the Calculation of Pupil Counts Used for Determination of School Administrative Unit Operating Costs
182.LD 182, HP 115, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Require the Department of Health and Human Services to Establish MaineCare Reimbursement Rates for the Maine Veterans' Homes on a Per Resident Basis
183.LD 183, HP 116, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Cap Publicly Owned Land Area at No More than 50 Percent of Any County
184.LD 184, HP 117, 132nd LegislatureResolve, Establishing the Commission to Study the Foreclosure Process
185.LD 185, HP 118, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Expand Opportunities to Invest Municipal Tax Increment Financing Revenues
186.LD 186, HP 119, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Clarify the Public Utilities Commission's Authority to Establish Time-of-use Pricing for Standard-offer Service
187.LD 187, HP 120, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Prohibit Labor Organizations from Imposing Mandatory Service Fees on Nonmembers
188.LD 188, HP 121, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Permit the Sale of Motor Vehicles on Sundays
189.LD 189, HP 122, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Increase Availability and Affordability of Mental Health Care and Substance Use Disorder Services by Removing the Certificate of Need Requirement
190.LD 190, HP 123, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Exempt Certain Numismatic Transactions from State Sales Tax
191.LD 191, HP 124, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Support Maine Businesses by Establishing a Pass-through Entity Tax and Tax Credit
192.LD 192, HP 125, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Exempt from State Sales Tax Utility Vehicles Purchased for Use in Commercial Fishing, Agricultural Production, Aquacultural Production and Wood Harvesting
193.LD 193, HP 126, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Fund Students in Maine Schools Who Are Experiencing Homelessness
194.LD 194, HP 127, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Improve the Maine Unfair Trade Practices Act
195.LD 195, SP 95, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Create the Small Business Capital Savings Account Program
196.LD 196, SP 94, 132nd LegislatureAn Act Regarding Documents Obtained by Subpoena by the Government Oversight Committee
197.LD 197, SP 84, 132nd LegislatureResolve, to Direct the Governor's Energy Office to Conduct a Study Regarding the Future of Electric Transmission Infrastructure in the State
198.LD 198, SP 85, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Prohibit the University of Maine System Campus Police from Issuing a Citation or Summons Related to a Parking Violation to a Visitor of the University of Maine System
199.LD 199, SP 86, 132nd LegislatureAn Act to Change the Limits on Candidates' Communications with Voters at the Polls
200.LD 200, SP 87, 132nd LegislatureResolve, to Rename the Sebago Lake Road Crossing Bridge in the Town of Standish