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First Regular Session of the 118th


     Sec. II-1. 4 MRSA �17, sub-�7, ��D and E, as amended by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt. I, �1, are further amended to read:

     Sec. II-2. 4 MRSA �17, sub-�7, �F is enacted to read:

     Sec. II-3. 4 MRSA �26, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 733, �1, is amended to read:

�26. Use of Executive Department agencies

     Unless otherwise prohibited by law, the Judicial Department shall use the services of and be included in any systems established and maintained by the bureaus within the Department of Finance and Administration and the Department of Personnel Administrative and Financial Services and shall be is subject to the same rules which that apply to the Executive Department unless specifically exempted.

     Sec. II-4. 4 MRSA �27 is enacted to read:

�27. Funds collected by Bureau of Taxation

     1. Generally. The State Court Administrator shall enter into an agreement with the State Tax Assessor by which the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Taxation may collect on the Judicial Department's behalf fees, fines, costs and penalties, the imposition of which is provided for by this Title. Any such agreement must specify which categories of fees, fines, forfeitures, costs and penalties are to be collected by the Bureau of Taxation.

     2. Notice and demand; remedies provided by Title 36. The State Tax Assessor shall provide notice substantially equivalent to that set forth in Title 36, section 171. Once notice and a demand for payment have been provided, the State Tax Assessor may proceed to collect the amount due by any collection method authorized by Title 36.

     3. Deposited in General Fund. Funds collected on behalf of the Judicial Department by the State Tax Assessor must be deposited in the proper fund in State Government, except that the State Tax Assessor may retain sufficient funds to cover the administrative expenses incurred in collection.

     Sec. II-5. 4 MRSA �116, first �, as amended by PL 1995, c. 65, Pt. A, �1 and affected by �153 and Pt. C, �15, is further amended to read:

     All revenue received by the Supreme Judicial or Superior Court, whether directly or pursuant to an agreement entered into with the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Taxation, from fines, forfeitures, penalties, fees and costs accrues to the State, except as otherwise provided under section 1057, Title 12, sections 3055 and 4508, Title 23, section 1653 and Title 29-A, section 2602.

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