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First Special Session of the 118th

H.P. 896 - L.D. 1213

An Act to Create a Family Division within the State's District Court

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

     Sec. 1. 4 MRSA �183 is enacted to read:

�183. Family Division of District Court

     There is established within the District Court a Family Division that has jurisdiction over family matters filed in District Court. The Family Division shall provide a system of justice that is responsive to the needs of families and the support of their children. The Supreme Judicial Court may adopt administrative orders and court rules governing the practice, procedure and administration of the Family Division. These practices and procedures must include, but are not limited to, education for the parties, case management and referral services to mediation and other alternate dispute resolution techniques.

     1. Family case management officers. The Chief Judge of the District Court, with the approval of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court, shall employ family case management officers. In selecting family case management officers, the Chief Judge shall give proper consideration to achieving statewide geographical representation in the Family Division.

     2. Additional staff. The State Court Administrator shall provide other necessary staff to the Family Division, within the limits of funds available, and shall seek to take full advantage of federal funding, including reimbursements.

     3. Reports. The State Court Administrator shall keep statistical records relating to the cases handled by the Family Division and report this information to the Supreme Judicial Court annually and to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over judiciary matters by January 15th of each odd-numbered calendar year.

     Sec. 2. Effective date. This Act takes effect January 1, 1998.

Effective January 1, 1998.

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