S.P. 310 - L.D. 1019
An Act to Allow Foam Food and Beverage Containers in School Cafeterias under Certain Circumstances
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:
Sec. 1. 38 MRSA �1652, sub-�2, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 804, is amended to read:
2. Schools. A school or school administrative district shall comply with the provisions of this section except that a food service providing such services to satellite facilities at the school or school administrative district serviced by central kitchen facilities not at the same location is exempt. A school or school administrative district may submit a request to the Executive Department, State Planning Office for a 3-year waiver from the provisions of this section. The State Planning Office may grant the requested waiver as long as:
A. The request includes an explanation of the district's financial hardship and a waste reduction plan. The plan must be designed to achieve the goal of using durable containers in place of disposable containers, unless it is shown that the use of durable containers is not feasible and alternative goals are proposed. The plan must include a proposed capital plan for the acquisition of necessary equipment; and
B. The school or school administrative district has held a public hearing on the proposal to use polystyrene containers and the waste reduction plan.
The State Planning Office may renew the waiver for 2-year periods if it finds that the school or school administrative district has made reasonable progress toward implementing the waste reduction plan. The State Planning Office, within available resources, may provide technical and financial assistance to schools and school administrative districts to assist them with meeting the goal of using durable containers.
Effective September 19, 1997, unless otherwise indicated.
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