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First Special Session of the 118th

H.P. 1224 - L.D. 1736

An Act to Register New Property for the Thorncrag Bird Sanctuary with the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

     Sec. 1. 12 MRSA �7651, sub-�1, as amended by PL 1991, c. 98, is further amended by amending the 16th blocked paragraph from the end to read:

Thorncrag Bird Sanctuary: The following described territory: A certain parcel of land situated in said Lewiston, and bounded as follows, to wit, beginning on the northeasterly side of the road leading from Barker Mills to the Thorne Corner Schoolhouse so-called, at the corner of the late Benjamin Thorne's land; thence running northeasterly about one hundred and seventy (170) rods to the corner of the late Phineas Wright and Dutton lot, so-called, thence northwesterly on said Wright lot about forty-six (46) rods to land owned by David Nevens; thence southwesterly on the line of said Neven's land to the above mentioned road, thence on the line of said road to the first mentioned bounds, containing forty-five acres (45) more or less. A certain lot or parcel of land, situated in Lewiston, in said County of Androscoggin, and bounded and described as follows: Bounded southwesterly by a line commencing at a point in the southeasterly line of land of The Stanton Bird Sanctuary, six hundred eighty (680) feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of said Montello Street, thence southeasterly and parallel with said Montello Street to a point six hundred eighty (680) feet northeasterly from said Montello Street to land formerly of George E. Ridley; bounded southeasterly by land formerly of said George E. Ridley; bounded northeasterly by land formerly of George H. Field; and bounded northwesterly by land of The Stanton Bird Club. A certain lot of land situated in said Lewiston, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stake and stones at the northeast corner of lot numbered thirteen (13); thence southwesterly on line of land now or formerly of Catherine Lynch and land formerly owned by George Bubier to the northeast corner of land formerly owned by Phineas Wright; thence northwesterly along said Wright land sixty-two (62) rods and five (5) links to stake in the corner of land now or formerly owned by William B. Kilbourne; thence north fifty degrees (50`) east on line of said Kilbourne land seventy (70) rods to stake standing on the southerly line of lot numbered twelve (12), formerly owned by James Lowell; thence southeasterly on said last mentioned line sixty-two (62) rods and five (5) links to point of commencement. Containing twenty-six (26) acres and one hundred fifty-seven (157) rods. A certain lot or parcel of land adjoining the lot above described and bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing on the westerly side of the road leading from Thorne's Corner by the residence now or formerly owned by Henry C. Field to Greene at the northeasterly corner of land owned by said Field, now or formerly; thence northwesterly on line of said Field land to land now or formerly of Frye and Dill; thence northeasterly on line of said Frye and Dill land and lot above described to land now or formerly owned by Catherine Lynch; thence southeasterly on line of said Lynch land to the aforesaid road; thence southwesterly by said road to point of commencement. Also another piece or parcel of land situated in said Lewiston, being a part of the Homestead Farm of Phineas Wright and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the westerly corner of the Homestead Farm of Jarius Carville; thence southwesterly on said Carville land and land of Henry Field about fifty-seven (57) rods; thence at right angles northwesterly about sixty-nine and one-half (69 1/2) rods to the stone wall between the field and pasture on said Homestead Farm; thence by said wall northeasterly to the land of the late Dr. William Kilbourne; thence southeasterly on said Kilbourne land and land of Jarius Carville seventy-five (75) rods to point of beginning, containing twenty-seven (27) acres. A certain lot or parcel of land, situated in Lewiston in said County of Androscoggin and bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point in the northeasterly line of Montello Street where the southeasterly line of land conveyed to the Stanton Bird Club by Alfred Williams Anthony by deed dated Jan. 18, 1922 and recorded in the Androscoggin Registry of Deeds, Book 315, page 447, intersects said street; thence northeasterly by southeasterly line of said land of said Stanton Bird Club, six hundred eighty (680) feet to land of said Stanton Bird Club; thence southeasterly and parallel with said Montello Street to a point six hundred eighty (680) feet northeasterly from said Montello Street and land formerly of George E. Ridley; thence southwesterly by said Ridley land six hundred eighty (680) feet to said Montello Street; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly side of said Montello Street to point of commencement. Also a certain other lot or parcel of land, situated in said Lewiston, bounded as follows: Westerly by the Highland Spring Road, northerly by the Thorne road, so-called, easterly by land of one A.D. Ames, and southerly by lands of Daniel Conley and A.W. Taylor, the same containing six and two-tenths (6.2) acres more or less. A certain lot or parcel of land situated northeasterly from the northeasterly end of East Avenue in said Lewiston, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the corner of the Field, Wood, and Thorncrag lots, so-called, near the Miller Fireplace, thence running northwesterly one hundred fifty (150) feet about 9.03 rods, along the stone wall between the Thorncrag and Wood lots, so-called, to a stake and stones; thence at right angles northeasterly about 42.7 rods to a stake and stones on the line dividing the old Frye and Dill lot, now owned by the Stanton Bird Club, and the old Phineas Wright Homestead now owned by this Grantor; thence at nearly right angles along said line two hundred twenty (220) feet (13 1/3 rods) to the corner of the three lots commonly called the Frye and Dill, Henry Field and Phineas Wright, now owned by this Grantor, lots; thence 42.7 rods at right angles southwesterly along the Field line to the point of beginning; containing three (3) acres more or less. A certain lot or parcel of land situated in said Lewiston, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake set in the ground in a stone wall on the northeasterly line of land of said Stanton Bird Club, said stake being one hundred fifty (150) feet from the northwesterly corner of land of Raymond R. Field; thence northwesterly along the northeasterly line of land of said Stanton Bird Club one hundred twenty-five (125) feet to an iron stake set in the ground; thence at right angles northeasterly three hundred (300) feet to an iron stake set in the ground; thence at right angles northwesterly twenty-five (25) feet to an iron stake set in the ground; thence at right angles northeasterly three hundred seventeen (317) feet, more or less, to a stake set in the ground on the southeasterly line of land of the Stanton Bird Club one hundred fifty (150) feet to an iron stake set in the ground on the northwesterly line of land of said Stanton Bird Club; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of land of said Stanton Bird Club to the point of beginning; containing two (2) acres, more or less. A certain lot or parcel of land situated in Lewiston, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeasterly line of the original Stanton Bird Club Sanctuary, three hundred sixty-four (364) feet northeasterly from the northeasterly line of Montello Street; thence in a northeasterly direction by land now or formerly of the Stanton Bird Club, three hundred and sixty-eight (368) feet; thence in a southeasterly direction, parallel with the said northeasterly line of Montello Street, two hundred and forty (240) feet; thence in a southwesterly direction parallel with the first described line, three hundred sixty-eight (368) feet; thence in a northwesterly direction parallel with the said northeasterly line of Montello Street, two hundred forty (240) feet to the point of beginning, containing two (2) acres more or less. A certain lot or parcel of land situated in said Lewiston, it being the southwest end of Lot #13 bounded southeasterly on Lot #33 and southwesterly and northwesterly on a four (4) rod way as laid down on the plan of said township of said Lewiston. Containing fifty (50) acres, more or less, and being the homestead farm of the late Elizabeth S. Wood, deceased, and the premises being the same conveyed to her by the name of Elizabeth S. Haley by Dorcas G. Wright by deed dated April 12, 1866, and recorded in the Androscoggin County Registry of Deeds in Book 43, Page 114. A certain lot or parcel of land situated in said Lewiston, bounded and described as follows, viz: Commencing at a point on the westerly line of land now or formerly of H. Osmond Wood and Mabel V. Wood (formerly Dorcas Wright) where the northerly line of land of A. W. Anthony (formerly of Ephriam Wood) intersects said H. Osmond and Mabel V. Wood's west line; thence northerly nine hundred ninety-nine (999') feet on said H. Osmond and Mabel V. Wood's westerly line to land now or formerly of Charles W. Benson (formerly of O. K. Douglass); thence at right angles westerly one thousand two hundred twenty (1220') feet on said Benson's southerly line to a point in a rock wall; thence southeasterly on line of land now or formerly of George H. McGibbon and Mathilda G. McGibbon, one thousand two hundred thirty (1,230') feet to a point in the rock wall on the northerly line of said Anthony's land, one thousand nine hundred forty-six (1,946') feet from the point of commencement; thence easterly along the northerly line of land of said Anthony, one thousand nine hundred forty-six (1,946') feet to the point of beginning. Deacon Davis Bird Refuge: The following described territory: A certain parcel of land situated in the city of Lewiston, in the county of Androscoggin, and bounded as follows: The most northerly corner of land of the estate of George K. Davis, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the northwest by land of the so-called Ham Farm; on the northeast by Pleasant Street; on the southwest by land of Joseph Breault; and on the southeast by a line extending northeasterly from the easterly corner of said Breault's land, and being a continuation of the southeast boundary of said Breault's land, containing 2 acres, more or less. Woodbury Sanctuary: The following described territory: A certain parcel of land situated in the towns of Litchfield and Monmouth in the county of Kennebec and bounded as follows: The westerly side of Whippoorwill Road, so called. Being all the land conveyed to the Stanton Bird Club by Louise S. Drew and Clara B. Dana by deed dated July 2, 1929 and recorded in Kennebec County Registry of Deeds in Book 669-Page 210.

Effective September 19, 1997, unless otherwise indicated.

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