S.P. 453 - L.D. 1427
An Act to Create Quality Employment and Business Ownership Opportunities for Social Assistance Recipients
Emergency preamble. Whereas, Acts of the Legislature do not become effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as emergencies; and
Whereas, the passage of the new federal welfare legislation limits individuals to a lifetime benefit of 60 months; and
Whereas, individuals receiving welfare need training and connections with the job market to obtain and remain in quality jobs that will sustain themselves and their families; and
Whereas, creating a mechanism that assists individuals to leave welfare not only benefits the State but also raises the self-esteem of the citizens leaving the welfare roles; and
Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create an emergency within the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and require the following legislation as immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:
Sec. 1. 22 MRSA c. 1685 is enacted to read:
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.
1. Commissioners. "Commissioners" mean the Commissioner of Human Services and the Commissioner of Economic and Community Development.
2. Departments. "Departments" mean the Department of Human Services and the Department of Economic and Community Development.
3. Eligible organization. "Eligible organization" means any organization that meets the eligibility requirements of section 8803.
4. Program. "Program" means the Quality Employment and Business Ownership Opportunities program established under section 8802.
�8802. Quality Employment and Business Ownership Opportunities program
The Quality Employment and Business Ownership Opportunities program is established to provide job development and business ownership opportunities for individuals receiving temporary assistance to needy families under this Title. The program is created under the jurisdiction and control of the department in conjunction with the Department of Labor and the Department of Economic and Community Development. The program is established as a demonstration project.
1. Program design. The program is established as a grant program. Participation by eligible organizations must be determined on a competitive basis and is dependent on the availability of funds. The program through the initiatives of the grantees may establish an additional 15,000 jobs over the length of the project, an estimated 5,000 jobs per year. The principal goal is to focus on helping people obtain and retain employment income that sustains themselves and their families.
2. Administration. The departments shall jointly administer the program.
3. Funding. Funds must be appropriated jointly to the departments by the Legislature to be granted to eligible organizations.
4. Award of grants. The departments shall establish standards for the implementation of the program and the award of grants. Standards must include but are not limited to the provisions of section 8803.
Any organization may apply to the departments for grants under the program based on the following eligibility requirements.
Applicants must demonstrate high standards of effectiveness in 5 areas:
1. Administration. Administration including strong interpersonal and management skills;
2. Client development. Individual client development, including professional reliance on developing resources from the individual client to identify or shape program activities;
3. Workforce development. Workforce development, including initiatives that prepare individuals for the workplace or for business ownership, connect with employers and emphasize the connection between learning and work;
4. Partnership development. Partnership development, including coordination of services with other entities involved in providing employment and training for individuals receiving social assistance to ensure long-term employment opportunities; and
5. Organization accountability. Evidence of success, including evaluation components utilizing credible data or other measures that reflect the soundness of the program goals and the ability to achieve desired outcomes.
An applicant shall complete and return to the departments a program application, including supporting schedules developed by the departments. No application may be approved unless the commissioners determine the application is complete and the grantee is eligible.
The departments shall develop a program implementation plan that includes the services to be provided by the grantees. Services pertaining to business ownership opportunities may be included but are not required. Those services must include but are not limited to the following.
1. Case management services. The grantee shall work with case managers and employment training organizations to refer and place individuals participating in the grantee's programs in job openings.
2. Small business training assessments. The grantee shall conduct employment training assessments with small businesses involved in the grantee's programs to ensure appropriate client match with a job, considering geography, skill and timing.
3. Employment training agreements. The grantee shall develop employment training agreements that target new jobs created for individuals receiving social assistance.
4. Job tracking information. The grantee shall transfer job opening and job placement information to the job bank established pursuant to section 8809 to track job referrals and placements.
5. Coordination of services. The grantee shall oversee the link between resources available for the client and the needs of the business including child care, transportation costs, training programs or a combination. The grantee shall involve other economic development organizations in the process of overseeing links between client and business needs to expand the job base.
6. Monitoring of job placements. The grantee shall monitor job placements to ensure the client and the business are given the best chance to succeed.
7. Geographic distribution. The grantee shall provide equitable access to services for clients living in diverse areas of the State. Access to these services may be reasonably limited by the grantee due to factors such as availability of staff and funding.
This chapter may not be construed to mean that any department, agency, institution or program is required to obligate or expend funds beyond existing funds available to them for these purposes.
The departments shall review each grantee at least annually to ensure compliance with section 8805 and to ensure that quality services are provided by the grantee. The departments shall adopt rules in accordance with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act by which satisfactory performance is measured. The rules must identify the circumstances under which sanctions, including grant suspension, reduction or termination, are applied. These rules are routine technical rules as defined by Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.
The departments shall establish a job bank that is continually updated and matched with appropriate positions available within participating businesses. The job bank serves as a central clearing house on job-related information for the departments and the grantees.
The departments shall adopt rules in accordance with the Maine Administrative Procedure Act for the implementation of this chapter. These rules are routine technical rules as defined by Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.
The departments and participating grantees shall submit a progress report on the implementation of the program to the joint standing committees having jurisdiction over health and human services and business and economic development matters by March 15, 1998. A final report must be provided to both joint standing committees including recommendations for continuation of the program and necessary implementing legislation by January 15, 2000.
This chapter is repealed July 15, 2000 unless authorized for continuation by the Legislature.
Sec. 2. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from the Federal Block Grant fund to carry out the purposes of this Act.
1997-98 1998-99
Additional Support for Persons inRetraining and Employment
All Other $300,000 $300,000
Allocates funds through a transfer from the Departmentwide program to provide grants under the Quality Employment and Business Opportunities program.
All Other ($300,000) ($300,000)
Deallocates funds through a transfer to the Additional Support for Persons in Retraining and Employment program to provide grants under the Quality Employment and Business Opportunities program.
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES ____________ ____________
TOTAL -$0- -$0-
Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble, this Act takes effect when approved.
Effective June 11, 1997.
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