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First Special Session of the 118th

H.P. 591 - L.D. 782

An Act to Ensure the Availability of Expertise on Dam Safety

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

     Sec. 1. 37-B MRSA �1065, sub-�5, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 545, �1, is amended to read:

     5. Correction of unsafe conditions. After receiving a report on a dam from a state dam inspector, if the director determines that a dam is an imminent threat to the safety of the public, the director may order the owners, lessees or persons in control of the dam to make alterations to the dam or its operations, including, but not limited to:

     A. Breach or removal of the dam;

     B. Repair or maintenance of the dam;

     C. Operation of the dam in a specified manner;

When the director issues an order under this subsection, the director shall ensure that a state dam inspector is available to provide technical assistance to the owners, lessees or persons in control of the dam and to the municipality in which the dam is located.

     Sec. 2. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from the General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Act.



Dam Safety Program

Provides for the appropriation of funds for one Dam Inspector position to carry out dam inspections and provide technical assistance in order to carry out the purposes of this Act.

     Sec. 3. Nonlapsing funds. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any balance remaining on June 30, 1997 in the General Fund Maine Emergency Management Agency account in the Department of Defense and Veterans' Services may not lapse but must be carried forward to June 30, 1998 to be used to carry out inspections for the Dam Safety Program as approved by Public Law 1997, chapter 1.

     Sec. 4. Effective date. The section of this bill that amends the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 37-B, section 1065, subsection 5 takes effect October 1, 1998.

Effective September 19, 1997, unless otherwise indicated, unless otherwise indicated.

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