H.P. 796 - L.D. 1084
An Act to Allow After-market Window Tinting of Multi-purpose Vehicles
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:
Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA �1916, sub-�2, �B, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 683, Pt. A, �2 and affected by Pt. B, �5, is amended to read:
B. The provisions of subsection 1, paragraphs C and D do not apply to side windows behind the operator's seat or the rear window of the following motor vehicles, provided that the vehicle is equipped with 2 outside rear view mirrors, one on each side, adjusted so that the operator has a clear view of the highway behind the vehicle:
(1) A bus that transports passengers for hire;
(2) A motor vehicle used to transport human remains by a funeral establishment, as described in Title 32, section 1501, or by a medical examiner, appointed pursuant to Title 22, section 3022 or 3023; or
(3) A limousine that regularly transports passengers for hire, and has a carrying capacity of more than 6 passengers and whose owner is required to obtain an operating permit pursuant to section 552.; and
(4) A multi-purpose vehicle.
Sec. 2. 29-A MRSA �1916, sub-�2-A is enacted to read:
2-A. Definition. For the purposes of this section a "multi-purpose vehicle" means a motor vehicle designed to carry 10 or fewer persons that is constructed by the manufacturer on a truck chassis or that is constructed with special features for occasional off-road operation and allowed unlimited tinting by the manufacturer. "Multi-purpose vehicle" includes vans, pick-ups and recreational vehicles but does not include station wagons, passenger car sedans and those vehicles restricted by the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.
See title page for effective date.
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